Pauline Ballet
AmbassadorSports Photography

Pauline dreamt of becoming a photographer from a very early age, finding herself fascinated by the beautiful postcards spotted around tourist shops in Paris. This ignited a dream to one day attend the National School of Photography of Arles, which came true following her admission in 2009. Pauline graduated three years later, equipped with the knowledge and skill to dazzle the world of photography, but unsure exactly which direction to ‘point her camera.’

My work looks at the bigger picture, capturing the delightful alchemy between the fans, the camaraderie, the landscapes, the enthusiasm, to pique people’s interest about the sport.

Pauline Ballet

When I was asked to be a Nikon Ambassador, the first image that came to mind was me as a teenager at Christmas, opening my first Nikon camera almost 20 years ago. Ever since I received that Nikon F75 camera, I trusted Nikon, and it’s incredible to feel this trust back.


Although my style of photography is quite unusual, my Nikon gear has always intuitively mastered what it is I’m looking to achieve. I’m now shooting with the Nikon Z 9, and the results are truly unbelievable. The camera can reach blistering speeds of up to 120 fps, while maintaining a razor-sharp focus, which is paramount for sports photography. This helps ensure the stories I want to tell are not lost amidst the blurred chaos of an event, but immortalised through my Nikon lens.